Don’t Starve
It would be very risky, in spite of the hours invested, to write a review of a beta. And that’s the state in which the Klei Entertainment title is; it can be already bought either on the Steam platform or on Chrome, gaining access to the early beta version (which clearly performs almost as a finished game) with the studio constantly asking for suggestions. Having said that, let me insist this is not a review, so don’t take it as such.
Y así está el mundo del videojuego amigos. Hemos pasado de rescatar princesas, reconquistar galaxias o destruir imperios... a intentar no morir de hambre. Quizá los héroes videojueguiles hayan vivido por encima de sus posibilidades.
Klei Entertainment (Shank, Mark of The Ninja) se encuentran trabajando en un nuevo título llamado Don’t Starve, en el que básicamente tendremos que... evitar morir de hambre.